We all know that your resume is your first impression. Before you ever get a chance to ace your interview, your resume is what gets you a place at the table (or the pathology bench).
We’ve talked before about ways to make your resume stand out. Now we’re here to help you avoid some all-too-common resume mistakes that could stand between you and your dream pathology job:
- Burying the most important info
- Making your resume too long (or too short)
- Using generic buzzwords
- Using an overly elaborate design
Burying the most important info
It seems like a no-brainer that the most important information on your resume should be first, but what is actually most important?
When it comes to pathologists’ assistant resumes specifically, you can skip the traditional (and somewhat outdated) objective statement and instead lead with your degree and certifications. Chances are the hiring manager or PA lead will be scanning resumes for these key criteria so you should make it easy for them to see that you’ve got exactly what they’re looking for.
Making your resume too long (or too short)
Another way you may unintentionally bury the most vital parts of your resume is by simply making it too long. On the flip side, if your resume is too brief there may not be enough information to pique the lab’s interest. A good rule of thumb is to keep your resume at least one meaningfully crafted page and no more than two pages total. Don’t worry about adding extra fluff to fill up space. Summarize your most important skills and accomplishments and make sure they align with the job description and your resume is sure to catch their attention.
Using generic buzzwords
Can you imagine any candidate not saying they’re a “hard worker” and a “team player”? These types of generic and vague “skills” are not worth listing on your resume. Instead, use that precious real estate to detail the extent of your relevant skills, such as how many years have you been using a particular skill or advanced training or certifications you’ve completed. If you want to show that you’re a “hard worker” or any other vague buzzword, demonstrate it instead with a key accomplishment that proves it.
Using an overly elaborate design
There are hundreds, if not thousands of resume templates on the internet, but the truth is most of them are likely not suitable for pathology or histology resumes. Distracting formatting and jarring colors are off-putting to hiring managers and could even be perceived as unprofessional.
It’s best to use a tried-and-true template crafted specifically for pathologists’ assistants and histotechnicians, like the free resume template offered here. Keep your resume clean and simple to highlight your most important skills and experience so the hiring manager will see your potential and jump at the chance to interview you.