Articles for Pathologists' Assistants, Histotechs, & Lab Managers

Do Travel Employees Ever Become Permanent Lab Hires?

Written by Nicklas Medical Staffing | Aug 31, 2022 12:54:58 PM

In short, yes! Exploring the lifestyle of a traveling pathologists’ assistant, histotechnician, or histotechnologist does not lock you into a career as a traveler. However, not all travel assignments will include an opportunity to transition into a permanent position. Here are a few of your options.

Contract vs. Permanent: Use Travel As a Foot In the Door

You might discover a great workplace while out on a travel contract, and then start your search for permanent opening in the area after the contract concludes. Many travel employees in the pathology lab will take assignments around the country until they find a hospital or an area that resonates with them and where they could see themselves settling down. In a way, each contract can be a bit like “research” for a more settled future — while you enjoy the perks of a travel role and build your savings in the meantime.

You May Be Able to Extend Your Contract

Not all assignments will have this option, but some may include an opportunity to extend the length of your stay. A role that began with a 13-week contract might turn into a 6-month stay, for example. It’s not unusual for traveling histotechs or pathologists’ assistants who find themselves enjoying an assignment to take advantage of a chance to extend it. In other cases, you may be able to accept a second assignment in the same hospital or lab soon after your first one ends.

These longer assignments for travel employees can give you a real opportunity to settle in and see what life would be like working long-term (or permanently) in a location that you love. It’s also a chance to deepen your on-the-job relationships and continue networking and making a positive impression in your preferred lab. When a permanent position becomes available, the lab will already know you well and you’ll be in a stronger position to apply for the role.

Nicklas Medical Staffing also works with leading labs nationwide to locate the right talent for permanent positions, and can even help you to negotiate your best salary. Let us know if you’re in the market for a more permanent spot!

Look For Temp-to-Perm Opportunities

Not all travel lab jobs come with an absolute finish date. If you’re interested in using travel as a way to test the waters and eventually land in a permanent role, consider looking for temp-to-perm opportunities. Many labs hope to find a core team member, but would prefer to work with you directly rather than make that decision based on an interview and resume. This can be a benefit for you, too, since you’ll have the chance to experience the work environment before committing to a permanent position.

Work closely with your recruiter to identify the lab types, regions, or even specific worksites where you may want to stay long-term, and then get started with a temp-to-perm travel assignment. If all goes well, your travel contract may transition into a long career in your dream location!

Work With Recruiters Who Have In-Lab Experience

The best way to find your right-fit permanent job match is with a recruiter who has been in your shoes. Nicklas Medical Staffing is the only lab staffing agency developed and run by ASPC-certified pathologists’ assistants. 

All of our recruiters have career experience as PAs, HTs, and HTLs, and can advise you on the opportunities that will best fit your goals and needs in the workplace. We work together with all of our job seekers to identify the travel, temp-to-perm, and permanent openings that can bring your career to the next level. Get in touch today to kick start the process!